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Task Master Nezuko: User Guide

By: Xiaoyu Since: Aug 2019 Licence: MIT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Quick Start
  3. Features
    1. Viewing help: help
    2. Adding a todo task: todo
    3. Adding a deadline task: deadline
    4. Adding an event task: event
    5. Listing all tasks: list
    6. Deleting a task: delete
    7. Marking a task as done: done
    8. Finding tasks by description: find
    9. Sending a greeting: hi
    10. Clearing all entries: clear
    11. Exiting the programme: bye
    12. Saving the date
    13. Notifying on close deadlines
  4. FAQ
  5. Command Summary


Task Master Nezuko(TMN) is a handy tool for you to manage you tasks on a PC. More importantly, it is designed for Demon Slayer and Command Line App lovers like you. Talk to Nezuko the Task Master through a few easy-to-remember commands, you can manage you tasks in anyway you want. Let us jump to the Quic Start to get started!

Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.
  2. Download the latest taskmaster.jar link:{repoURL}/releases[here].
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your TM Nezuko.
  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.


  1. Type the command in the command box and press kbd:[Enter] to execute it.
  2. Some example commands you can try:

    • list : lists all tasks
    • deadline project meeting /by 20/09/2020 1800 : adds a task project meeting due at 6 PM on 20th Sept, 2020 to the Task Manager.
    • delete 3 : deletes the 3rd task in the full list
    • done 2 : marks the 2nd task in the full list as done
  3. Refer to Features for details of each command.


Command Format

Output Format

Field Description
Index Index of task in the list
Type [T]: Todo task without timing information
[D]: Deadline task with a deadline
[E]: Event task with two timing information marking the start and end of the event
Status [x] Task is unfinished
[v] Task is finished
Task Description User input task description
Timing (by: date ): Task due by date
(from: starting_date to ending_date ): Task happening between starting_date and ending_date

Viewing help : help

Format: help

Adding a todo task: todo

todo allows you to add a task without any timing information.
Format: todo <task description>


Adding a deadline task: deadline

Use this command if you have any task due before certain time or date that you want to specify.
Format: deadline <task description> /by <date> <time>
Format date: <dd/MM/yyyy> or <dd/MM>
Format time: <hhmm>


Either <date> or <time> can be omitted. If so, the default date will be the current date, and the default time will be 1200AM.


Adding an event task: event

Use this command if you have any activity that has a duration to happen.
Format: event <task description> /from <date> <time> to <date> <time>
Format date: <dd/MM/yyyy> or <dd/MM>
Format time: <hhmm>


Either <date> or <time> can be omitted. If so, the default date will be the current date, and the default time will be 1200AM.


Listing all tasks : list

Shows a list of all tasks in the task list.
Format: list

Deleting a task : delete

Deletes a existing task from the task list.
Format: delete <index>


Marking a task as done: done

Marks a task as done in the task list.
Format: done <index>


Finding tasks by description: find

Finds tasks whose description contain the given keyword/phrase.
Format: find <keyword>


Sending a greeting : hi

Sends a greeting to Nezuko and see what she replies!

Clearing all entries : clear

Clears all entries from the task list.
Format: clear

Exiting the program : bye

Exits the programme.
Format: bye

Saving the data

Task Master data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data.
There is no need to save manually.

Notifying on close deadlines

Nezuko will sort and find a few most urgent unfinished tasks for you and alert you on the matter at the start of the programme.
Todo tasks have the lowest priority.


Q: What is the default number of tasks that I will be reminded of at the start of the programme?
A: The default number is 5. We are sorry that the number of tasks to remind cannot be modified in this version of TM Nezuko. We welcome you to look out for future updates.

Command Summary